During uncertain times, it's a good idea to spend a little money maintaining your vehicle than fork out a tone of cash to buy a new one. You know what you have is reliable, good commuters, grocery getters or toy haulers. You may enjoy that fact that they're paid off, or soon will be. You would gladly like to keep your vehicles for 320,000 kilometers)or more – as long as it's economical to do so.
There are plenty of Calgary drivers whose vehicles are running after 240,000 or 320, 000 kilometers. We can learn from what they're doing to keep our own vehicles on the road in Alberta.
The Calgary drivers of high-mileage cars often report a common denominator of never skipping an oil change.
That may sound a bit unsophisticated, but it's really not. First off, oil is the life blood of your vehicle's engine and it needs to be clean to properly lubricate. Skipping oil changes leads to clogged oil filters and sludge that is bad for your engine.
There's another reason the scheduled oil change is so important for Calgary/Okotoks car owners. It's simple – a Lube Town professional is going to be looking at your car. All of your fluid levels will be inspected and topped off so they won't get so low that damage can be done.
Problems get addressed before they lead to repairs that cost more than the car's worth.
Of course, these things cost some money, but they are less than new vehicle payments in Calgary. With proper service at Lube Town, you'll keep surprise repairs to a minimum and more money in your wallet.